Struggle for the Baltics before 13th century
By the Vikings’ Route
Before the «century of catastrophes«: Baltics, Karelia and Northwest Rus’ before the 13th century
By the routes of Teutonic knights: Livonia in 13th century
Along the Daugava River: Crusaders in Latvia
By way of the crusaders in Saaremaa Estonia
Memory places of the Crusader era in Northern Estonia
- Estonian Hillforts
By the ways of the Teutonic knights: Prussia in 13th century
Following Alexander Yaroslavich: Battle of the Neva
The route of Alexander Yaroslavich to the site of the Battle of the Neva
Nevskaya bitva (Battle of the Neva)
By the route of Alexander Nevsky: Battle on the Ice
Battle on the Ice: the discussion about the battle localization
Battle on the Ice
Battle on the Ice: memorialization of the place
Topography of confrontation between Novgorod and Lithuania in the age of Alexander
Routes of the Livonian War
Winter campaign of 1558
Summer campaign of 1558
Fighting in 1559–1560
Campaign of 1560
Sieges of Reval 1570–1571 and 1577
Campaign of 1577
The first campaign of Stephen Bathory in 1579
The second campaign of Stephen Bathory in 1580
The Third route, 1581. The end of the War
Russian-Swedish wars 1581–1595