Shum-gora (Shum-hill)
58 ° 30'28 " N. 30 ° 13'44 ″ E.
Shum-hill, or Peredolskaya Sopka, is one of the largest hills in the Russian North-West, 14 m high, with a base diameter of up to 70 m. A later legend connects it with the grave of Rurik, but there is no evidence of this. Recently, a hypothesis has appeared that this is not a burial hill, but a fortification structure, where a small defensive castle could be built. Fortifications similar in type, called motte, were in Europe in this time. Its foundation is associated with Prince Mstislav (reigned in Novgorod in 1088-1094), the son of Vladimir Monomakh and Princess Gita, daughter of the Anglo-Saxon king Harald Goodwinson.
Shum-gora (Shum-hill)
Flag of Batetsky District, Novgorod Region
Shum-gora (Shum-hill)
Tags: castles and fortresses, before 13 century, Novgorodian Land